Blood Test Detail Tracker Application analyzes the performance of a blood test Detail . It will be useful to doctors and medical students.
In this App Blood Volume Calculator to estimate normal blood volume in male and female.Blood volume in male and female calculation is done based on Nadler method.This method finds the average amount of male and female blood volume in liters.
Blood Test Tracker To determine the calculation, you will need your height in inches or centimeter and weight in kg or lb.
Calculate total blood in human body in liters by entering patient’s gender, height and weight.
In this Application You Can Check Blood Group - Blood Type Donor and Donation is the latest app mobile donation for blood donation, help people who need blood for a surgical operation or in need of blood Same people give blood plasma donation,in hospital blood bank or red cross blood donation or blood transfusion search plasma donation centers.
Who can give blood on Blood Group App?
Most people can give blood. You can give blood if you are fit and healthy weigh between 7 stone 12 lbs and 25 stone, or 50kg and 160kg are aged between 17 and 66 (or 70 if you have given blood before) are over 70 and have given blood in the last two years How often can I give blood? Men can give blood every 12 weeks and women can give blood every 16 weeks.
Why give blood ?
Giving blood saves lives. The blood you give is a lifeline in an emergency and for people who need long-term treatments. Many people would not be alive today if donors had not generously given their blood.
How blood is used ?
Blood or the components of blood are used to treat patients with medical conditions such as anemia, cancer blood disorders, and those having surgery.
Attention! Application for informational purposes only!