Blood pressure monitor and diary is helpful for BP Patient. BP checker diary app and blood pressure Diary gives you good data base facility to save weight and pulse history date wise and compare the entries. You can manage and analyzed your report of blood pressure Tracker in a single blood pressure Diary app.
Systolic less than 120 mm Hg
Diastolic less than 80 mm Hg Pulse Rate 70 mm Hg Normal weight 70 kg
Using Blood pressure recorder & BP diary info you can see the monthly and daily record info and measure Blood pressure Tacker graph test.
Using BP info graph you can see the graph of BP record
Avoid something Eating
frozen pizza
canned soups
canned or bottled tomato products
Chicken skin and packaged foods
To eat these things
Dark chocolate
Leafy green vegetables
Fermented foods
Blood Pressure Tracker diary is simple and good app to keep record of all BP units systolic diastolic, pulse rate on hourly , daily weekly basic to manage all history of BP reading. It very important for BP patient to keep blood pressure in control, other vise Hypertension and hypertension may result in cause of different diseases.
1) Blood Pressure tracker diary may only be used as a tool to record, share and keep track of blood pressure measurements. Blood Pressure tracker diary cannot measure blood pressure.
2) Blood Pressure tracker diary is meant to track your blood pressure records where each record is the systolic, diastolic, pulse, weight, date/time and notes/tags. Although weight can be modified for each record, it is not meant to track weight independently.