BlueLight Filter Lite is an Eye Protect, Eye care, Night Screen, as a filter warmlight and caliginous screen can relax your eyes, adjust clock and prevent eye stress and eye disease, especially when using phone during night shift, it's better for your eyes. Turn your phone to night mode with our Blue Light Filter Lite
This is a LITE version of "BlueLight Filter" light blue complete and free protecting eye and eye care.
This application protects smartphone users from bluelight exposure, causing insomnia and amblyopia
- Blocking the blue light that reduces eye fatigue
- Blue Light Filter adjustment function
- Reduce blue light
- Eye protector from screen light
- Very easy and lite
What is bluelight?
- Bluelight is blue colored light with very short and visibel wavelength between 380 and 500 nm(nanometer).
It used to serve as medical treatment for pimples in dermatology. However, many experts say that persistent exposure of blue light is quite dangerous.
Namely, long time exposure of bluelight might cause xerophthalmia and even bring damage to retina nad eye lens.
Furthermore, bluelight exposure from smatphone and TV in the late night, sound sleep would be interupted by hampered sleep inducing hormons secretion.