Toilets can be filtered.
GPS is not mandatory.
Search a location by text.
Search toilets on current location.
Feedback modal, so users can report issues.
Fixed bugs:
Toilets don't show up the first time the app runs.
This is the perfect app for those persons that never be in the same place, traveling or never be on home, if you are in a foreign country and you don't know the language, you could run into the need of find a close toilet quickly, you can use the toilet details to choose the perfect fit for you.
Join to this global community, discover new closer toilets, let others know your comments or toilets in other places
Any error, question, or if the app works too slow in your device, let a comment and it will be reviewed and fixed ASAP.
. Find the closest toilets around you.
. Locate toilets anywhere around the world, wherever you are
. A database of over 300,000 toilets.
. Reporting non existent toilet.
. Suggest an info edit.
. Toilet Review system, you can tell us your experience.
. Help others creating a new toilet you discovered.
. Including navigation
. App works offline after first time you connected. (Similar to google maps app)