this is the scariest app we made, if you are really brave you can use scary doll fake video call to test how brave you are to face this ghost fake call, with scary doll fake video call
you can have very scary dreams and imagine the ghost you are chatting with, you can pee in your pants if you don't dare to look at their faces, this application is very light and easy to use because it is offline and has very small memory capacity.
You can enjoy this prank call from scary doll for free and can be used to prank your brave friends, you can start a call anytime anywhere.
scary dolls video calls are very similar to the appearance of real ghosts in this world, they are scary and shocking.
if you really dare you can call scary doll fake call at 03.00 am, at night this application will feel very scary and like real.
fake call scary doll is very scary but also funny if you use it to scare your friends, how to use this application is very easy you just need to select the existing contact list to make a voice or video call.
you can also chat with scary dolls, and they will reply to you automatically according to their wishes so prepare yourself for the scary challenge of scary doll fake video calls, besides scary dolls we also make
other fake devil calls such as, pocong, kuntuilanak, pig ngepet, sundel bolong, momo, nun and many other ghosts that you will try to chat with them.
continue to support us by giving your best review and rating, because that's where our passion for creativity comes from.
Disclaimer: This application is not affiliated with any party, if you feel lost or do not like this application you can contact us via email and we will unpublish this application.