AskUltra: Kids Learning – Entrepreneur Academy


AskUltra: Kids Learning – Entrepreneur Academy

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Android 5.0+

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Ask­Ul­tra is a simple, chat-based kids en­tre­pren­eur­ship tu­tor which is backed by ex­pert business ment­ors.

It is a kids edu­ca­tion app that cre­ates a fun, sup­port­ive and inspir­a­tion­al tool in the palm of your kids hands.

Ask­Ul­tra will help mo­tiv­ate kids to build life skills such as resilience, re­source­ful­ness, time man­age­ment and ap­ply­ing this to their own busi­ness.

It will also In­spire kids to build a en­tre­pren­eur­i­al and suc­cess mind­set by en­cour­aging them to think out­side of the box.

Are there nat­ur­al born en­tre­pren­eurs?

Ask­Ul­tra be­lieves that all children are nat­ur­ally born creatives and more im­port­antly have a pas­sion and an en­quir­ing mind. This is a key ele­ment in start­ing a busi­ness.

Sure all kids have the abil­ity, but it is im­port­ant to have someone to guide them, tu­tor them, and to be their ment­or.

Build­ing on their con­fid­ence and ap­ply­ing the know­ledge of their core sub­jects taught in school as a found­a­tion to start and grow a busi­ness.

Ask­Ul­tra is an in­nov­a­tion in the world kids education. Use it to teach them use­ful skills en­abling them to tackle chal­lenges in a fresh way.

Ask­Ul­tra ment­ors your child on how to have a pas­sion and devel­op that into a star­tup business.

How ex­cit­ing would it be for your child to do what they love and make money from it!

En­tre­pren­eur­i­al mind­set is essen­tial learn­ing for kids today.

Use this edu­ca­tion­al app to build on their busi­ness skills, de­vel­op a suc­cess mind­set by learn­ing that there is pos­sib­il­ity in everything, it just de­pends on how you look at it.

Ask­Ul­tra is a kids academy that builds on con­fid­ence and character while ap­ply­ing this to the world of business.

Ask­Ul­tra in­spires chil­dren to recog­nise the po­ten­tial they have to make an im­pact on the world they live in through business. and entrepreneurship.

Our chat­bot will mo­tiv­ate kids to stay fo­cused, to speak about what they love to do by lead­ing them through vari­ous ques­tions and an­swers based on their interests.

We teach and build on their know­ledge and un­der­stand­ing about busi­ness and en­tre­preneur­ship and help their under­stand­ing of the world and make edu­ca­tion rel­ev­ant to them.

De­veloped by ex­per­i­enced entre­pren­eurs and ex­perts in edu­ca­tion, Ask­Ul­tra provides a per­son­al­ised kids learn­ing exper­i­ence.

In this kids edu­ca­tion app, they will learn about:
- En­tre­pren­eur­ship
- Busi­ness skills
- Sale and Mar­ket­ing
- Profit and Loss
- Products and Ser­vices
- Suc­cess mind­set
- and more!

How are kids learn­ing with AskUl­tra?

Simply - they go through a series of ques­tions and an­swers and learn some great facts after that, they can com­mu­nic­ate with a ment­or.

They will have ac­cess to use­ful videos and links about their sphere of in­terest.

It is im­port­ant for kids to learn how to build their busi­ness skills at a young age, so they can devel­op an en­tre­pren­eur­i­al mind­set.

In­spire kids to think big and learn while hav­ing fun, so give them the op­por­tun­ity to find their path and en­joy it while they do what they love to do!

Down­load this kids edu­ca­tion app, join this glob­al kids academy and en­cour­age them to go for it!

This will be an op­por­tun­ity to apply what they learn in the real world in real time!

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