Update dependencies
Yet another app/demo using newsapi.org services, while I'm trying to make it one of the best.
The news is powered by newsapi.org v2 api, which provides:
- Headlines from 134 news sources like Ars Technica, CNBC, ESPN, Polygon, etc.
- Topics from infinite sources, just adding any topics of your interest.
- Reorderable sources.
- Smart face detection and alignment for news images. (Powered by @aryarohit07 on GitHub)
- Topic search recommendation. (Powered by Google Trends)
- Background image crawler for any sources and topics. (Powered by qwant.com and clearbit.com)
- Firebase integration, crashlytics, analytics, adMob.
All the codes for the client and server are open sourced on GitHub, check it and make suggestions on https://github.com/zjn0505/Refreshed-Android.