Performance Improved
Nlogbook is a universal android and IOSuser friendly digital logbook for medical professionals. This app is usefulinorganising your clinical and non-clinical records or training records in a secure, structured and searchable digital format. It is a trendy app for all surgeons, physicians, dental surgeons, physiotherapists and nursing faculty. The app is unique, providing not only a track record of medical logs in their account but also has a search mode to review the cases stored in the log book and also has the facility to share the records. It has an attractive user interface which is well thought out and easy to use. Features like uploading case file details using a voice command is a unique feature and is first of its kind digital logbookwhich helps all users to add new case fast and easy.
In addition to keep a track and record your medical logs one can get to see a summary in an easy and exportable format andemail the details. It also has additional features like statistics and a print mode. Another unique mode provided for busy consultants and postgraduates is the fast track upload in which one needs to enter only the patients name and UMR number and the rest details can be photographed for update at leisure.
Nlogbook can be a valuable tool for training in clinical settings for the postgraduate training in medical, dental, physiotherapy and nursing school.This logbook facilitates the communication between theclinical teacher and the trainee with the unique feature of sharing the record or records within. This process is simple and precise. Very useful for the mentor in evaluating the learning process of the student and to give timely feedback and record outcomes on the documentation and self-reflection of their learning activities.
One need not worry regarding the security of their logbook which is an important consideration before storing their sensitive patient details into the database. This information is confidential. The fear of not losing patient data too is given a great importance. The above two points are subjected to conditions.