All the cute images have something a little bit wrong with them — can you work it out? Can you spot it and draw it ? Use your finger and draw the outline of the parts that are missing from the drawing, Watch the image get completed and step on to the next challenge.
- Huge collection of cute drawings
- Engaging and fun puzzles for all ages
- Hours of fun and challenge
- Puzzles that engages every part of your brain
- Tricky and entertaining puzzle solving game
All the pictures are based on logic and lateral thinking. Challenge your brain and your talent. Solve a single drawing or play for hours, new puzzles will keep on coming and your progress will always be saved!
Try, try and try again if you don’t find the missing part. But still if you don’t, get hints if you get stuck.
Vast range of pictures to guess the missing part: from common daily things, to famous animals. Happy and calm music that will make a pleasure to play the puzzles. Colourful graphics to make the game play relaxing and entertaining. Unique combination of logical puzzles and drawings. Unique puzzle solving levels that will develop your lateral thinking.
Can you Draw the missing one Part ? Lets see if you can guess what’s missing?