Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibition Leads Retrieval (MICEleads)
is the simple way to capture new tradeshow leades and helps generates
event revenue, requires no internet required for lead capture and
real-rime leads syncing when Wi-Fi available.
The MICEleads features includes:
• We provide lead retrieval for any event – even if it’s next day – there
is no show too big or too small.
• Allowed to customizable qualification survey and note creation.
• MICEleades is the MICEapps integrated lead retrieval app. Available for
Apple and Android devices.
• Free real-time reporting for you and your exhibitors will enable you to
measure the success of your event.
• MICEleads supports multiple badges and scans all common barcode types
including QR codes. You can also print scannable barcodes using Microsoft
• Search leads, call, sms and email to respective lead.
• Export the scanned leads and share leads via email.