URL share feature
1.19, 1.20, 1.21
Account transfer feature
1.17, 1.18
Bug fixes
Apart from one theme per day, you can now write as many pieces as you like (We plan to gradually make it available to all.)
1.14, 1.15
You can now anonymously tell a writer, "I want you to write more of your work."
1.12, 1.13
Posts can now be made private. Please go to the Settings page. (We plan to gradually make it available to all.)
- Favorite authors list
- Improve UI
It's okay if you can't think of what you want to write.
We will prepare one theme per day.
What did others write? You can also read them.
A simple and easy UI specialized for writing.
This app is made for following people:
- Wants to develop composition skills
- Needs writing ideas
There is no "Like Button".
Because everyone is wonderful.