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- Pesquisa melhorada agora inclui o histórico e sugestões de #tags
- Segue os teus artistas, promotores e locais de eleição e podes até importá-los directamente do facebook!
- Guarda os teus eventos preferidos
- Importa eventos para os teus calendários nativos
- Define a distância para encontrar eventos à tua volta
What's happening in your city? — Discover the best events nearby with our complete, updated and easy to use event guide: Concerts, festivals, exhibitions, parties, conferences...With this app brought to you by VIRAL™ your favourite artists and events will never go unnoticed again.
▶︎ Easily discover what's happening around you;
▶︎ Search for event name, venues and your favourite promoters;
▶︎ Have access to all event details, including multimedia, maps or addresses
▶︎ Instantly share an event through your social networks and apps;
▶︎ Browse daily events in the desired region or associated category;
▶︎ Discover concerts, exhibitions, festivals, parties, conferences, performing arts, dance, cinema and video, literature, kid's activities, markets and fairs, gastronomy, nature, tradition, amongst many other kinds, easily organized chronologically.
Currently, Viral Agenda event guide holds activities only in Portugal and Costa Rica (GAM), but it's spreading like a good virus!