Our little VAZZLE elves were busy and have implented amazing stuff:
* Open the VAZZLEs screen after you tap on a push notification
VAZZLE is a fun and easy way to stay in touch with your friends and family.
* VAZZLE opens straight to the VAZZLE menu, just select who you wanna VAZZLE, select a Gif or Emoji and swipe right.
* Send Gifs or Emojis
Customize your profile with a different profile emoji or username. You can also share your Quazzle, your unique QR Code, to make it easy for others to find you.
Frazzles are your friends inside VAZZLE. You can build a Strazzle (streak) with them to strengthen your bond (and flex with it)
VazzleDazzles are your groups inside VAZZLES. Create a group, add your Frazzles and VAZZLE all of them at once. Convinient, eh?