- Now you can mix Red-Green-Blue to obtain Yellow-Cyan-Magenta-White
- Some falling blocks are Y-C-M-W
- It's easier to pick RGBs
- Less initial speed
- Less acceleration
- Not possible to pass throught blocks at very high speeds
- Less delay until first block appears
- Not possible to go outside the screen
- Some blocks spawn near screen sides
- Game localized to spanish, according to your system language
- "Fixed" the number five typo
- 2 secs delay to restart to prevent it by accident
Super RGB is an addictive game where you control three super pixels: Red, Green and Blue.
The rules are easy:
1 - Avoid the falling blocks with different color.
2 - Mix Red, Green and Blue -as in RGB color model- to obtain new colors.
3 - Try to pass throught blocks with same color in order to score.
Have fun!