Small maintenance update.
Your Stacks account gives you access to multiple apps that guarantee your privacy.
Stacks is a network of decentralized apps. This means you control your own identity and data and interact safely with the apps in the Stacks world.
Stacks offers an incredible variety of apps to choose from. There are applications for:
⚙︎ Sharing private files
⚙︎ Cryptocurrency wallets
⚙︎ Communication suites
⚙︎ Accounting
⚙︎ Blogging
and much more...
Stacks applications protect your privacy so you're the only one with access to your data.
The Stacks Circles Android app is an easy and safe way to manage your Stacks account on your Android phone. You can:
✓ Create a new Stacks account or login with your existing one
✓ Create a new identity for every app you use, to ensure maximum privacy
✓ Store and review your secret key in a secure way
✓ Explore the Stacks ecosystem
Give your life some privacy!