- Local Backup
- Google Drive Backup
- Creating list from template
- Adding list items to catalog
- Long click on category selects all items from category
- Edition/deleting default categories
- Possibility to set replacement category of catalog/list items when deleting categories
- Multi selection of items in catalog - possibility to edit/delete many items at once
- Added possibility to synchronize catalog with lists/templates
Key features:
- unlimited possibility of adding new shopping lists
- saving shopping list as a template
- built-in catalog of products to buy
- prompting names of products when entering
- ability to specify categories, quantities, prices and notes of products
- convenient edition of shopping list
- mass remove and modify quantity/category/note/price of the listed items
- copying/moving items within list/template
- copying shopping lists
- browse the list by category
- adding new categories
- change the order of categories
- shopping costs calculation
- local and Google Drive backup/restore