[Common]Updated for OpenCV for Unity v2.4.2.( This asset requires OpenCVforUnity
2.4.2 or later.)
[Common]Refactored the script.
[Common]Updated for OpenCV for Unity v2.3.8.( This asset requires OpenCVforUnity 2.3.8 or later.)
[Common]Updated for OpenCV for Unity v2.3.3.( This asset requires OpenCVforUnity 2.3.3 or later.)
[Common]Fixed save and load process. [Common]Update to WebCamTextureToMatHelper v1.0.6.
this project's code is the rewrite of https://github.com/MasteringOpenCV/code/tree/master/Chapter8_FaceRecognition using “OpenCV for Unity”.
Face recognition procedure is 4 steps.
1. Face detection
2. Face preprocessing
3. Collect and learn faces
4. Face recognition