This app is recommended for these people. 👍
1. Target 👀
✔ People who are curious about the popularity ranking by apps, games, and keywords in other countries.
✔ Anyone who wants to promote or recommend an app they create.
✔ Those who want to get ideas through trend analysis.
2. Function 👀
✔ Provides real-time data on apps, games, and keywords in 148 countries
✔ Provides popularity ranking data by app and game category
✔ Providing my app promotion and recommendation function
✔ App detailed information, new information notification provided
3. Vision 👀
✔ We will be a communication channel that can make better apps.
✔ We will become a marketing channel to promote more personal apps.
4. Helper 💖
✔ I love Google Play and open source providers.
✔ Sanghee + Siwoo = 💖