• Previous enhancements made in Release 24 to the process to create support relationships for clients can now be completed in Off-line mode
• Add, Edit and Remove Carer relationship to Client records while Online or Offline.
• Request call back for Carer Relationships that are linked to client referrals, Capture carer and client consent to share information with Carer Gateway and National Dementia Helpline.
The myAssessor app enables My Aged Care assessors to undertake assessments where they do not have access to the internet.
The myAssessor app allows assessors to prepare for assessments by downloading client assessment referrals (whilst connected to the internet) to their supported mobile device before they visit clients. The app gives assessors access the information they need when no network connection is available.
The app allows functionality from the My Aged Care assessor portal to be available on the mobile device, allowing the assessor to capture important client details, perform an assessment using an electronic version of the National Screening and Assessment Form (NSAF) and create a preliminary Support Plan.
Once the assessor has internet connectivity to access the assessor portal, the assessor can upload the information captured during the assessment. The assessor can then use the decision support capability of the assessor portal to verify the client’s eligibility for services and the actions they recommended in the Support Plan. If there are no changes to the Support Plan/recommended services, the assessor can proceed to match the client to appropriate aged care services and make referrals for service(s), as necessary.
The myAssessor app also enables assessors to conduct unplanned assessments. The myAssessor app allows assessors to create a new client record and perform an assessment for an unregistered client. Assessors can then link the assessment to the client record at a later point in time, following registration.
For more information about the changes to My Aged Care, including the introduction of the My Aged Care assessor portal, please vist dss.gov.au/myagedcare