My SQL in Hindi हिंदी में सीखे

Suren Tech Lab

My SQL in Hindi हिंदी में सीखे

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समस्त प्रकार की जानकारी हिंदी में उपलब्ध करवाई गई है


इस App का लक्ष्य उन सभी students और IT professionals की help करना है जो computer science और IT के field में नए है और नए नए subjects को समझने का प्रयास कर रहे है। यँहा पर आपको computer science और IT tutorials streams से related सभी subjects की tutorials Hindi में provide की गयी है। इस में सभी tutorials हिंदी में दी गयी है। हिंदी में आप आसानी से और जल्दी समझ सकते है।


Introduction to MySQL
Features of MySQL
Architecture of MySQL

DBMS (Database Management System)
What is DBMS (Database Management System)
What is R-DBMS (Relational Database Management System)

Installing MySQL
MySQL supported platforms
Installing MySQL in Windows

SQL (Structured Query Language)
Introduction to SQL (Structured Query Language)
Features of SQL
Keywords of SQL
Different types of SQL statements

MySQL Data Types
Introduction to MySQL Data Types
Rules for using MySQL Data Types
Different MySQL Data Types

MySQL Databases
Introduction to MySQL databases
Creating Databases
Altering Databases
Dropping Databases

MySQL tables
Introduction to MySQL tables
Properties of a MySQL table
Creating MySQL tables
Altering MySQL tables
Truncate a MySQL table
Removing MySQL tables
Using indexes
Assigning keys

Select, from, where & order by
Fetching data with MySQL SELECT statement
Use of MySQL FROM clause
Use of MySQL DISTINCT clause
Use of MySQL WHERE clause
Use of MySQL ORDER BY clause

Insert, delete & update
Inserting data in MySQL tables
Deleting rows from MySQL tables
Updating data in MySQL tables
Replacing data in MySQL tables
Truncating data from MySQL tables

SQL expressions & functions
Introduction to SQL expressions
Numeric expressions
String expressions
Temporal expressions
Use of MySQL like clause
Functions in MySQL expressions

MySQL Joins
Introduction to MySQL joins
Types of MySQL joins
MySQL Inner join
Left join
Right join

Sub Queries
Introduction to MySQL subqueries
Advantages of MySQL subqueries
Types of MySQL subqueries
Defining MySQL subqueries

MySQL Views
Introduction to MySQL views
View processing algorithms
Creating MySQL views
Altering MySQL views
Dropping MySQL views

Prepared Statements
Introduction to MySQL prepared statements
Creating a MySQL prepared statement
Executing a MySQL prepared statement
De-allocating a MySQL prepared statement
MySQL Transactions
Introduction to MySQL transactions
ACID properties
Transaction execution process
Transaction control statements

Stored Routines
Introduction to MySQL stored routines
Uses of MySQL stored routines
Advantages of MySQL stored routines
Types of MySQL stored routines
MySQL Stored procedures
Stored procedures with parameters
MySQL Stored functions

MySQL Triggers
Introduction to MySQL triggers
Creating MySQL triggers
Deleting MySQL triggers

MySQL Metadata
Introduction to MySQL metadata
MySQL SHOW statement
MySQL Describe statement

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