New little performance update!
This is the best free Lie Detector Face Test Prank app available because YOU can control the results (secretly) and it has a talking voice!
A great free, fake photo scanner simulator test app where you can prank your friends and family from the makers of Naughty or Nice Photo Scanner!
How it works:
- If a friend or family member like your mum or dad, brother or sister has just told you something and you want to have fun with them and prank them that they are telling the truth or a lie then use this free app!
- Choose an existing photo of the boy or girl, man or woman from your album or take a new photo to test.
- Press start and Lie Detector Face Test Prank scans over your photo then selects a random or user selected result either true or lie!
- Press the volume button during scanning to give you control over who's telling the truth and who's telling a lie.
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* Boy picture image courtesy of graur razvan ionut at FreeDigitalPhotos 2022
** This free game is for entertainment purposes only and although it may look like a real photo scanner it contains no actual photo scanning capabilities and is a fake, joke app. It is also not a real polygraph finger scanner test.