Bug fixes and performance improvements
Long text to write by hand? Not enough time?
We can help you generate a custom font from your own handwriting with ease on your device and use it to write your papers.
Use our efficient font maker tool to convert your images to cursive once and then use your style forever.
Extract each letter one-by-one from images with text written by you or draw them by hand. You can always come back later to modify your alphabet.
Surprise your friends and send messages with a unique personal twist.
Share eye-catching stories with your original handwriting.
Start using your own handwriting style or choose from our many preloaded free fonts collection.
You can also import fonts from .otf or .ttf files.
With the paper writer you can customize how the page looks like.
In the text editor you can change:
- page dimension, type, color, you can even set your own background
- lines, type, color, opacity
- pen color, letter size, spacing between letters, words, lines
- set margin, odd-even pages to look the same or in mirror
Draw by hand any shapes and colors you like.
The page will look like it was just written by your hand with pen in your notebook.
Export your work as pdf, images or print it right away.
Also, you can share it with whoever you want!
Ideal for busy students in homework assignments, essays, note taking, but also for designers in lettering and calligraphy.
What are you waiting for? Convert your text to handwriting right now!
Subscribe to the premium offer to remove ads, unlock unlimited text size and to be able to export your own font file.