New Application
Robotics Expert Students Association of Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology named “Roboment” has been providing free robotics education since 2016 to inspire and train students in schools, colleges and universities across the country in robotics education. This organization, which is experienced in conducting Robotics Camp 2018, Robotics Camp 2019, and Robotics Camp 2020, will conduct robotics and automation with the help of robotics and automation in accordance with the educational and academic curriculum, economic condition and psychological analysis of Bangladesh. According to the syllabus, first get acquainted with the different sensors and loads of robotics and master the work of these devices properly, programming calibration between sensors and loads, building robots, connecting sensor loads or robots to the Internet and the latest robotics project development.
Every student participating in Robotics Camp 2021 will gradually become fit to build robots from absolutely zero level. Regular support as a senior mentor will go to the robotics experienced "Team Robment".
The robotics camp, which will run until 2021, is divided into 5 stages.
1. Easier Stage
2. Robotics programmer
3. Bot development
4. Internet of Things
5. Robotic project developer