Updated user interface with newer material design, built for and added support for Android 13 (including themed icon support), updated libraries and app components for improved reliability and stability.
Transcribe and reverse transcribe DNA↔RNA, calculate reverse complement of DNA, and translate DNA/RNA to amino acids/protein. All in one screen.
Six-frame protein translation support allows you to translate DNA/RNA to up to six possible amino acid sequences automatically.
- Option to use different separators for DNA/RNA (hyphen, space, or no separator), configurable in settings inside the app.
- Different options to display amino acids: full-name (e.g. Alanine), three-letters (e.g. Ala), and one-letter (e.g. A). Also configurable in settings.
- Copy resulting DNA/DNA reverse complement/RNA/amino acids in one tap, thanks to the copy buttons below each field.
- Export the entire result (DNA, DNA reverse complement, RNA, amino acid sequences) to other apps, including your email or office apps.
- Doesn't require an internet connection to work.
- Fast and lightweight.
- No bloat/unnecessary features.
- Clean and simple user interface.
- Free!
Hopefully useful to fellow students!