Now there is a difference between lengths and angles!
✦Design Scaling - Scale your designs at any proportion you desire
✦Too lazy to do the Math? You are a Designer, not an a mathematician!✦
Here is the solution. Type in your project's details, such as lengths, heights, anything you want and let the app calculate different scales.
It is simple and modern made for simple and modern people, just like you!
✦Store your projects✦
Maybe you get lost in all those papers and calculations? Well, the apps stores these stuff for you. Do not worry if you make a mistake, you can always edit in your details.
Do not forget to create your own dimensions. You can type in anything you want, be creative, be unique, be organized. You know what you need so write everything in your style for you to understand.
Design Scaling does not store any user data in any database online, everything is locally. So do not worry
We are open to feedback, so fi you have suggestions or you want different scales, let us know! And please leave reviews :D