1. Characteristic of Chinese Relay
- Today's Chinese characters - Learn one word a day
- You can use it without having to be connected to the Internet.
2. Chinese Relay Default Rule
- A method of making words in Chinese characters starting with the last letter of the preceding word
-> 생일(生日) - 일기장(日記帳) - 장부(帳簿)
- 3 chances per game
- Use the Hint or Joker feature if you can't think of a word
Enjoy learning Chinese words by using words and word chain.
1. Characteristic of Chinese Relay
- Today's Chinese characters - Learn one word a day
- You can use it without having to be connected to the Internet.
2. Chinese Relay Default Rule
- A method of making words in Chinese characters starting with the last letter of the preceding word
-> 생일(生日) - 일기장(日記帳) - 장부(帳簿)
-> Characters should be input in Korean, but the last letter and the first letter must have the same Chinese character.
- 3 chances per game
- If AI doesn't know a word, raise the level and start with a new word.
- Use the Hint or Joker feature if you can't think of a word
3. Key features of Chinese Relay
- Daily single word learning using today's Chinese character function.
- Show ratings, meanings, and tones for Chinese characters.
- Learn Chinese characters easily through the game.
- Contains about 200,000 Chinese words.
- Induce repetitive learning of Chinese words through Game.