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"26 Surtain" is an application of an book named as "26 Surtain and Momin Ka Hatyar" written by famous Molna Younus Palanpuri for those people who like to read religious and spiritual books and need that in one app. This app of book is worth reading.
-- The twenty six mostly recited Suraha's of Holy Quran.
-- Available in Arbic and Urdu language.
-- Darood Shareef (Darood e Ibrahimi)
-- Chahl Rabba'na ( 40 Ayat of Quran Start with word "Rabba'na" )
-- Chahl Darood (Collection of 40 Darood sharif)
-- Chahl Istighfar (Collection of 40 Istighfar)
-- Qanoot e Nazila