Bug fixes
With this CFast app you can restrict your daily calorie with the help of intermittent fasting. Let's understand how?
As we know while intermittent fasting we skip our one meal like breakfast or dinner. So if you skip one meal that means you are going to eat less. This app help you to remind meal that need to skipped day by day and it also remind you in the 5:2 and 6:1 Intermittent fasting.
So why calorie counter? Actually calorie counter will help you to avoid overeating. Calorie counter will help you to eat within daily calorie goal.
Benefits of calorie counter with Fasting
-Avoid over eating
-You can complete low calorie goal like 600-800 calories
-Recipes available for complete your low calorie goal.
-6:1 - 6 Days Eating and 1 day Fasting with 600-800 calories goal.
-5:2 - 5 Days Eating and 2 day Fasting with 600-800 calories goal.
- 4:3 - 4 Days Eating and 3 day Fasting with 600-800 calories goal.
- 3:4 - 3 Days Eating and 4 day Fasting with 600-800 calories goal.
- Skip Breakfast - Skip breakfast fasting
- Skip Dinner - Skip Dinner Fasting
CFast Features-
● Food planner & macro tracker
● No Coach Needed
● Calorie counter & food tracker with all nutrients
● Meal planner - eat healthy food from delicious recipes for any plan
● Step tracker - stay on top of your fitness & health
● Browse a large food database
● Create custom foods and meals
● Keep track of your weight and progress over time
● Easily keep track of your water intake
CALORIE COUNTER & CALORIE TRACKER:- Calculate you daily calorie goal and track daily calorie with this app and feel healthier. Count or track your daily calorie with respect to your daily goal.
RECIPES & MEAL PLANNER:- There are millions of Food and recipe available for meal planner. CFast app will suggest you low fat recipe, High protein, low carbs recipe for meal planner with all nutrients.
HEALTH TRACKER & FOOD PLANNER:- Step tracker, workout tracker, Calorie counter & food diary features will help you track your daily nutritional values at a glance.
FOOD DIARY, FOOD TRACKER & MACRO TRACKER :- It’s very easy with macro tracker - will help you achieve the right type of nutrients with the macro calculator.