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Make your building process efficient, quality, easy, affordable and assured by choosing well crafted house plans that are specific designed to suit Africans in terms of culture, fashion, elegance, quality, materials, budget and legal demands. The platform give you all necessary tools to make nice decision on the house you want to build in terms of sizes, dimensions, budget, plot, rooms, styles... Either it is 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1 bedrooms house, they are all covered!
Browse well designed house plans from different designers across Africa who know well what we real require and what it is both affordable and legal accepted in our countries.
Wherever you are in the World you can buy, pay and get your copies of house plans within a day.
Are you looking for floor plans, PDF plans, CAD, Computer Aided Designs plans, roof plans, landscape designing, interior designing, Bills of Quantities (material estimates) or maybe you want to ask questions concerning your residential construction, then we have covered all of these!
Maybe you are looking for plans like in www.houseplans.com, www.makazi.ne.tz, www.makazi.co.tz, www.makazi.co, www.eplans.com, www.dreamhomesource.com, www.homeplans.com, www.houseplans.net, www.floorplans.com, www.houzz.com, www.maramani.com...
or duplex, bungalow, apartments, villa, contemporary houses, decent houses, affordable houses, cabin houses...
You are covered