* Updated translations (you can update/vote for the correct translation on Crowdin - link is provided in the app)
* Add ru-UA language support, remove ru-RU (@butzist)
* Bring context menu on three dots clicks (@ebraminio)
* Replace the deprecated ProgressDialog with app custom one (@ebraminio)
* Add launcher shortcut for Android TV (@Ismael034)
* Add roundness to the dialogs (@Ismael034)
This open-source Android App launches hidden activities and creates home screen shortcuts for installed apps.
This project still lacks a few features and translations. You are welcome to contribute!
Source code: https://github.com/butzist/ActivityLauncher
Translations: http://crowdin.net/project/activitylauncher/invite
Opt-in for Beta release: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/de.szalkowski.activitylauncher