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Do you want to know what is happening in the communities of Austria? Gem2Go brings you the LATEST information wherever you are!
News from your community, from where you are, or from where you want to be on the go!
Gem2Go - Information on events, local news, photos, accommodation, restaurants, community newspaper and so much more.
Gem2go brings you closer to your community faster than ever.
Communities such as Krems, Kufstein, Stockerau, Wiener Neudorf, Imst, Sierning, Kremsmünster, Schärding, Vösendorf, Pucking, Thaur, Ternberg, Adnet, Gumpoldskirchen, Lamprechtshausen, Maishofen, Ernstbrunn, St. Florian am Inn, St. Ulrich bei Steyr, Eben am Achensee, Dietach, Ruprechtshofen, Eberstalzell, Mutters, Roppen, Hagenbrunn, Fuschl am See, Sautens, Auberg, Bergheim, Zwettl, Dellach im Drautal, Gerersdorf, Bad Schönau, ...
Further information, and a complete list of communities, can be found at
Looking for a special community App? Find more with Gem2Go and make it your favorite.
Gem2Go is the perfect platform for finding out about what is happening in your community right now!
RiSKommunal - The modern civil service on the pulse, makes it possible!!