


Books & Reference
  • 3.73
(42702 votes)

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Recent changes:

* Fixed TTS resuming/toggles
* Fixed various TTS locale issues
* General bug fixes and quality of life improvements

* New Recent Reviews feature on app home screen
* Improved Android 12 compatibility
* Improved Text-to-Speech device compatiblity
* Fixed various doc editor formatting bugs
* Fixed category sync bug causing excessive data usage


Read millions of stories for free and publish on-the-go via the world's first and largest fanfiction archive.

* Read - Read millions of stories for free
* Write - Edit and Publish your stories on the go
* Translation: Read stories translated into your native language via our AI engine
* Text to Speech - Turn stories into audio books
* Android Auto support - Read stories while cruising down the highway
* Syncing - Library/Downloaded syncing between devices
* Forums - Join writing groups or make friends with millions of other readers and writers.
* Push - Push notifications for Followed/Downloaded stories
* Private Messaging - Enjoying private communication with other users. Send text, image or voice messages.
* Community Archives - Start or browse story archives .
* Beta Readers - Browse and search for registered beta readers.
* Story Management - Browse and manage your favorites and follows.
* User Management - Browse and manage your favorites, follows, and others.

Please note Private Messaging (PM) feature is currently app to app only. PM site integration is coming soon in a future release.

App Permissions Explained:

* Audio: Our Private Messaging feature allows the sending and receiving of recorded voice messages between app users.

* Camera: QRCode story/user sharing/scanning feature requires the camera to capture qr encoded images.

* Phone status: Text to Speech feature will auto pause story reading in headset mode when detecting in coming calls which requires phone status.

FictionPress other Apps



  • 3.73