Now bags are one of the most lucrative industries. The average person in the world spends some of his money to spend on a bag. Therefore, entrepreneurs are very interested in developing their business in this bag industry. Now there is a bag made of batik. The model is no less interesting than other bags. In addition, this bag has an attractive style that can attract the attention of consumers.
A backpack is a container or place that is worn on a person's back and is protected by two straps that extend vertically above the shoulder, but there are also exceptions, for example a backpack made for light objects usually only requires 1 rope.
This backpack is used by the wearer to more easily carry the luggage that you want as needed. The technology used is specially formulated according to the needs of the wearer. Backpacks are usually preferred over handbags to lift heavy objects, because they are of limited weight to lift heavy objects for a long time.