Learn about the best long-term stock picks and real portfolio details of top investors. Our featured personal investors come from all professional backgrounds, were among the best from thousands who applied to join us, and are up over 230% from 2011-2018 on average (beating the S&P 500 by 96% over the same time period).
-- How Did We Find Our Investors? --
We held a nationwide recruiting process to find some of the best personal investors around. Several thousand applied, and after a lengthy interview process we invited less than 1% to share their real stock portfolios on our site. Our selection criteria included:
1) Standout stock market returns
2) Longer-term investing horizons
3) Unique backgrounds (i.e. not just finance types), and
4) An easy-to-understand investment approach
Our investors share their long-term stock ideas in terms simple enough for beginners.