Mexico FMRE EXAM Preparation for Amateur Radio, and Ham Radio enthusiast
The Federacion Mexicana de Radio Experimentadores, A.C. (FMRE) (in English, literally Mexican Federation of Radio Experimenters) is a national non-profit organization for amateur radio enthusiasts in Mexico. The FMRE also represents the interests of Mexican amateur radio operators before Mexican and international telecommunications regulatory authorities. FMRE is the national member society representing Mexico in the International Amateur Radio Union.
Mexico FMRE EXAM Preparation, covering the topics:
1. Regulatory Matters.
2. Operating Procedures
3. Radio Wave Propagation
4. Amateur Radio Practices
5. Electrical Principles
6. Circuit Components
7. Practical Circuits
8. Signals and Emissions
9. Antennas and Feed Lines
10. Electrical and RF Safety
Application features :
- Multiple-choice exercise
- There are 2 hints (HINT or Knowledge, Add TIME for answering), that can be used, but require coins that can be added by viewing Ad impressions
- More than 40 questions in one topic which in turn appear in 10 questions