First Publication
App features - latest news, events, and notifications from Loreto Bray
Founded in 1850, Loreto Secondary School Bray has a proud tradition of offering quality education to the young women of North Wicklow. Our whole school community is dedicated to the all-round development of the girls entrusted to our care. The school provides a huge range of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to ensure that the students can develop the confidence and abilities to become the leaders of tomorrow. As well as striving for academic excellence, the students are encouraged to play an active role in life of the school.
The empowerment of women has been the hallmark of Loreto schools down through the years and this has been a driving force behind many of the initiatives undertaken in the school. Our dedicated staff understand that the world has still a long way to go before women can say that they are universally respected and appreciated. Unfortunately the remnants of a patriarchal society are still too evident in the world today.