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Nurture pre-leads with HomeSelfe RE, the best auto social multi-channel marketing platform available for real estate professionals.
Multi-Channel Social Marketing Done For You.
Automated Social MARKETING
HomeSelfe RE is a multi-channel social marketing platform that will consistently put you in front of a wide audience - and automatically engage that audience on Facebook and Twitter. Original, unique content is automatically posted to your social profiles 16x a month. Plus a master-crafted email newsletter is sent out once a month on your behalf, without lifting a finger!
• You will also have access to a massive library of content. Choose a video, infographic or article to share instantly! All content is branded with your name, image, and contact information.
• You’ll save time, increase your visibility, stay consistent, build trust and authority as the expert in all things home-related.
Intelligent Engagement
HomeSelfe RE gives you a smarter way to engage and follow up with your audience. With a swipe of a button, you can send your contacts and followers a branded HomeSelfe, the #1 utility cost-savings app for homeowners. This app is also boostedon Facebook and Instagram to your top 5 zip codes to bring you new prospects. Providing value to your audience through savings in lowered energy bills and rebates has never been easier.
• HomeSelfe RE also automatically analyzes data, provided by the homeowners, to generate a list of prospects with contact and valuable information.
• When a homeowner completes a HomeSelfe, you’ll now have an exclusive pre-lead to follow up with to win their business!
Prospects & Contacts
Get a list of prospects, insights about them and their house in one place, making it easy to follow up and keep following up.
Copyright: 2019 EnergyDataMetrics