- Small bug fixes
Bodytune is a powerful body editor app with which you can easily get the perfect shape by enabling you to slim down, bulk up, adjust height, refine curves, balance skin tones and much more.
There’s nothing like natural beauty, but it doesn't hurt to shag off excess belly fats and get some muscle, right? Losing, gaining, or reshaping your digital self is no longer a problem!
Body editing has never been easier! Thanks to improved image recognition technology, it allows you to slim, increase or emphasize any part of your body without affecting the others. Leaner legs, bombshell curves or wider hips - you can have it all in a jiff!
With a user-friendly interface but powerful editing features, the ideal look is realized within a few clicks. You do not need anymore to sit for hours and edit your body in some of those complex photo editors. Now without any photo editing skills you can slim, reshape, resize, and enlarge any part of your body to look fit, thin and taller in any of your photos.
Core features:
Take your photos to a new level. It is so easy to create your dream appearence. This is the editing tool that really gets your picture ready for sharing. And most importantly, use it but don't abuse it!