3.2 Android S
3.1 Android R
Direct calculator: 34*(57+22)-sin(pi/3)
Constants: pi and any integer or floating number.
Variables: memories M0 to M9. To access memories
long press on MS and MR or with Mi: sqrt(M0+M5+M9)
X for 2d graphics: 30*sin(X/12). Longpress on = to calculate roots.
Tap to move x origin.
Y for 3d graphics: (X*X-Y*Y)/3
In 3d mode drag to change point of view
To leave graphic mode tap on the text editor.
Operators: + - * / > < = & | !
Functions: if(exp,exp1,exp2) if(3 > 4,1,2) if(r = 4,100,0)
sin() cos() tan() asin() acos() atan()
sinh() cosh() tanh() asinh() acosh() atanh() log() ln() rand()
exp() abs() sqrt() pow(base,exponent) !
The DB key activates sound pressure/freq sampling.
If DB key is lit there is a graph of sound spectrum available.
To exit the graph, tap anywhere on the screen.
Long press on DB shows the threshold and gain of the
microphone calib(threshol,gain)
Settings can be changed executing this instruction.