The Fresh Heads Memory Game


The Fresh Heads Memory Game

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Android 5.0+

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Play the memory game
It's time to train your brain with the Fresh Heads memory game. Remember the items in the right order; reach 5 different levels and play 2 extra mini games. Finish the game and get your Fresh Heads back in their original shape.

Win promotion
With every 10 euros of groceries at Lidl Belgium you get a stamp with QR code. With every 5th stamp scanned in the app you can participate in the contest for a children's bicycle. Please note: this campaign runs from 05/09/2022 to 29/10/2022. After this date you can still play the game, but you can no longer participate in the win promotion.

Bovendien kun je met Lumber het Fresh Heads spel spelen! Hoe meer codes je scant, hoe meer energie hij krijgt.

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