Versión inicial
WhatsArb (Gêres-Xurés) is a tool for scientific dissemination that is based on an ontology and a semantic reasoner to identify protected species, trees and shrubs from a cross-border protected area between Spain and Portugal, the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve Gêres-Xurés.
WhatsArb is a use case scenario of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) co-financed project CROSS-NATURE, which aims to develop common Digital Service Infrastructure (DSI) services to provide free and open access to public biodiversity data from Spain and Portugal. It is oriented towards alien invasive species (AIS) control and biodiversity protection.
CROSS-NATURE consortium is composed of three partners, TRAGSA Group and Carlos III University of Madrid from Spain and The General Directorate of the Territory (DGT) from Portugal and has the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition support.