SMS (School Management System) is an information system to Manage Attendance, Results, HomeWork, NoticeBoard, Notifications of your School.
1. Super Admin
2. Admin
3. Teacher
4. Students/Parents
A. Setup
1. Add/Edit/View Classes
2. Add/Edit/View Subject
3. Add/Edit/View Staff
5. Add/Edit/View Students
B. Attendance
1. Add/Edit/View Attendance
2. Search Attendance by Date, Teacher, Class, Subject and Publish Status
3. Student Attendance Report
C. Fees
1. Add/Edit/View Fee particulars
2. Add/Edit/View Class Fees
3. Set Facilities fee for students
4. Collect Fees
D. Home Work
1. Add/Edit/View Home Work
E. Results
1. Add/Edit/View Results (Test and Exams)
2. Search Results by Date, Class, Result Type (Test or Exam) and Publish Status
3. Student Result Card
F. Notice Board
1. Add/Edit/View Notice Board Entry
G. Notifications
1. Notification Panel for all Users
2. New Result Notification to Students/Parents
3. Student Absence Notification to Students/Parents
4. New Notice Board Entry Notification to all Users
H. Settings
1. Change School info like Name, Image, Address, Mobile etc
3. Change Password
4. Notifications Settings