情人節,就用 「手機搖搖棒」 來秀出你的心意
手機搖搖棒 能在空中搖出文字,炫感十足,在生日Party, KTV,或演唱會中使用,格外引人注目。
(POV Display)
藉由快速切換LED的開關,利用視覺暫留 (Persistence of vision) 的原理
What is POV Display:
A class of display device described as "POV" is one that composes an image by displaying one spatial portion at a time in rapid succession (for example, one column of pixels every few milliseconds). A 2 dimensional POV display is often accomplished by means of rapidly moving a single row of LEDs along a linear or circular path. The effect is that the image is perceived as a whole by the viewer as long as the entire path is completed during the visual persistence time of the human eye. A further effect is often to give the illusion of the image floating in mid-air.
(Made In Taiwan)