7.2: Removed priority button to simplify long-press dialog.
7.1: Bug fixes.
7.0: Re-organised long-press dialog to allow buttons to fit on smaller screens.
6.9: Changed buttons which are shown when you long-press on an item so you can move it up or down by 5 or 10 spaces at a time. Bug fixes for reorder page.
6.8: Added a new menu item on the items list page to reorder items by dragging them.
Prioritise items and tick them off when done. Perfect for shopping, "to do" lists, and for planning what to take on your next trip away.
HandyList allows you to manage a number of lists on your phone simply with no internet connection or sign-up required. As you complete each item you can tick it off, and then delete all the ticked items. Items can be prioritised with colour coding and a list can be exported to a text file.
You can also Email or SMS a list to a friend.