Algorithms and Data Structures


Algorithms and Data Structures

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Android 4.4+


Mit Werbung




Kürzliche Änderungen:

1. Added more programs
2. Improve performance and stability
3. Ad refresh issue is fixed
4. Fixed crashes
5. More interview questions update soon...


The app is a complete free handbook of Data Structure and Algorithms which covers important topics,programs & some Interviews questions and they also have online quiz to make a skills better and quick revision.
This app provides quick revision and reference to the important topics & useful for the students or a professional to cover the course syllabus quickly before an exam and interview for jobs
Contain all basic Concept of Data Structure and Algorithms
Offline Tutorial(Short notes)
Interviews Questions
Nearly 30+programs and updated soon
Easy to understand tutorial,program and Online quiz question + Explanation of each Question and also Show Players Ranking and Simple User Interface(UI)

Content Included
- Data Structure
- Algorithms
- Recursion
- Searching technique
- Sorting technique
- Graph
- Tree
*Point to Remember(Each Chapter to make the quick revision)
*Programs with all the function(Insert ,delete,display,search..etc )
*Online Quiz (Every Question contain having Explanation if user choice getting wrong, the Correct answer are display and Explanation also , to make user understand better why Question are wrong, and Online quiz are also have Ranking to user to show how much they will score for each set(Topics))

This app has a very simple user interface and the content are very easy to understand by the users.this will definitley helpful for preparing for interviews,test and in many more way.!

:Developer andere Apps
