Minor Bugs Fixes and Improvements.
OneApp is a digital advertising and information sharing platform for web and mobile devices. Anybody can advertise on this platform and reach the desired audience instantly.
Additionally, there will be plenty of analysis and reports which can be used for business planning and strategies.
Benefits of 1APP are but not limited to;
Branding of organization (Sender can update his Name, Logo, Contact details, Tagline, Status, Multiple locations, etc.)
Considerable reduction in advertisement cost
All information at one place
Flexibility of using one single app for the latest offers and updates by the senders
In web page, users could create their own website URL button, which will help them to open their desired website in one click in the future.
Organizational hierarchy control on groups where users could add millions of people in one group {one end chat, until admin, doesn't give permission (Text, media etc.)} to others. Admin can view the status of the particular message that how many people have read the message out of number of users added in that group.
Users could create their own blog, share and use emojis to show their expression.
1APP is designed for all users. Its unique and having most of the features that users would like to have in one place.