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Sweet are candy, sugar, honey, and buffalo’s milk. Yea, sweet are these but sweeter by far is God.
Read Complete Wani by Baba Sekh Farid Ji
Says Farid,
My bread is made of wood,
And hunger is my sauce;
Those who eat rich food,
Will suffer severe agonies.
Says Farid,
I have seen the eyes that lured the world.
A trace of kohl they would not bear.
And birds, today, have made their nests in them.
Says Farid,
Why do you roam the jungles with thorns pricking your feet?
Your Lord dwells in your heart.
And you wander about in search of Him.
Says Farid,
I thought I was alone who suffered.
I went on top of the house,
And found every house on fire.