1º - Authentication login.
2º - Beautiful resource with animations and effects to present the agenda of the event.
3º - Appeal to add the desired lectures as favorites.
4º - Control of lectures.
5º - Detail of the lectures.
6º - Control of lecturers.
7º - Detail of the lecturers and their lectures.
8º - Control of the participants as listeners.
9º - Detail of the participants as listener and their authentication settings.
Event application with wonderful features:
1º - Authentication login.
2º - Beautiful resource with animations and effects to present the agenda of the event.
3º - Feature to add the desired lectures as favorites.
4º - Control of lectures.
5º - Detail of the lectures.
6º - Control of lecturers.
7º - Detail of the lecturers and their lectures.
8º - Control of the participants as listeners.
9º - Detail of the participants as listener and their authentication settings.
10º - Evaluation of lectures and speakers or even the infrastructure of the event.
12º - Chat for the participants if they interact with each other.
13º - Receive push from the administrators team and also from the support team.
14º - Resource for gift raffles.
15º - General application settings.
16º - Description or details of the event.