v0.8.6 2019-04-24
* fix crash on Android Oreo and higher when start on boot is activated
+ show app version
* make output window scrollable (in case of exceptions)
v0.8.4 2019-04-16
* fix NPE crash when back button is pressed before webview is fully loaded
* fix crash opening website on TV device that does not advertise itself as TV
* store compliance
Enable ADB over ethernet without need for initial USB connection.
- uses currently available active network connection: wifi, wired ethernet, ..
- Android TV friendly (dpad nav + enhanced button focus)
- no usb cable required
- autostart on boot
INTERNET: required for viewing help using internal webview since Android TV has no built-in web browser
BILLING: used for IAP donations
RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED : required for autostart on boot