This application is to present what your webradio application could looks like!
If you don't like the actual colors, don't worry! All of them can be customized.
The application can use Radionomy or Radioking stream.
This version is showing a radioking Stream (selecting a random radio within a selection).
Data like current author, title, jacket are updated live from the webradio.
Social link are grabbed from radio page (if provided) : websuite, Facebook, Twitter. (You can also provide a specific link to override it)
All colors can be customized : background, buttons (even social links ones), texts, notification bar and title bar.
Demo app uses different color on each element that can be customized..
If you are interested, an email is available on my developper page on the store or in the starting pop-up in the demo app!
Those are the elements that need to bze provided if you want your own app :
- Application Name
- The color scheme (background, buttons (even social links ones), texts, notification bar and title bar)
- Application Icon (512*512 pixels)
- Play store header image (1024*500 pixels)
- Short description (maximum of 80 characters)
- Long description (maximum of 4000 characters)